
Human Rights and
Labour Practices

“Human resource is a treasure: value it”

ISO 45001

INTEGRA values its employees as a key resource and develops them as assets of the organization.

We shall all value our individual abilities and differences and embrace a diversified environment. We shall, both as individuals and as a company, treat all colleagues and employees fairly, and hereby contribute to the sustainable development of the individual and our business.

INTEGRA abhors inappropriate sexual coercive behavior, including gestures, language, and physical contact.

We recognize the valuable role that business can play in the longer-term protection of human rights by being committed to respecting the human rights of our workforce, communities, and those affected by our operations wherever we do business (including our contractors and suppliers) in line with internationally recognized frameworks. Our commitment entails respecting human rights and seeking to avoid involvement in human rights abuses, identifying, assessing, and minimizing potential adverse impacts through due diligence and management of issues, and resolving grievances from affected stakeholders effectively.

Identifying our salient human rights issues helps us prioritize how we address human rights impacts across our operations and extended value chain.

With a view to continuously improving our stringent governance and management of ethical conduct and supporting processes, we are always exploring additional and new mechanisms to assess our impact, risks, and opportunities in areas linked to human rights.​

We must, at all times, strive to comply with applicable laws and regulations and demonstrate sensitivity to local culture and customs, within the norms of generally accepted business conduct.

The organization strictly adheres to The Factories Act and/or other applicable laws and doesn’t employ any child labour and Forced labour.

INTEGRA respects its commitment to the Business code of conduct, Employee code of conduct, Health and Safety followed by Grievance Mechanism.

Grievance Mechanism

Grievance Mechanism

The Company is committed to adhering to the highest standards of ethical, moral, and legal conduct of business operations. To maintain these standards, the Company encourages its employees who have concerns about suspected misconduct, to come forward and express these concerns without fear of punishment or unfair treatment.

If any employee has questions or needs guidance or has any issue related to a suspected violation, then reach out: -

Mr. Kunal Thakrar
Authorised Signatory
Email – kunal.thakrar@integraengineering.in
Mobile No: 9737041570

Mr. Mitesh Valera
Human Resource Department
Email: mitesh.valera@integraengineering.in
Mobile No: 9687631714

Employee Engagement

We are focused on building and maintaining a very transparent and congenial work culture across the organization. The engagement of our employees is a key factor of success for our business.

We are a meritocracy and strive for diversity in nationality, caste, age, physical ability, and religion; and believe in equal career opportunities for all. We are an equal-opportunity employer.

Over the years, we have crafted a culture of continuous learning and empowerment with an emphasis on transparency, efficiency, and empathy. This strategy has helped us accelerate our corporate evolution to newer horizons of growth and opportunity.

Employee’s Birthday Celebration

The company shows its concern for all of its employees by celebrating each employee's birthday and making them feel special, such an engagement initiative can boost employee morale and motivation.

Kaizen Awards / Attendance Bonus Function

The Kaizen approach is beneficial for a wide variety of business models and operational philosophies. It can improve work processes, eliminate waste, improves quality, increases the profitability of your company, and also empower employees.

Festival Celebration

Such celebration encourages employee engagement This promotes a spirit of oneness and a sense of belonging among the employees. A simple celebration within an office can be great in terms of promoting a sense of brotherhood among colleagues.

Health Check-up Camps

The employee health checkup enables you to spot health issues before they worsen and have an impact on the employee's productivity. So, the first crucial step for both the business and employees can be an employee health assessment created taking into account your particular industry.

Sports Events – IPL (INTEGRA Premier League) Cricket

IPL ( INTEGRA Premier League ) Cricket - Sports activities are a crucial component of any workplace team-building exercise. This is significant because it not only promotes greater employee harmony throughout the entire organization.

Annual Day Celebration

The purpose of annual day celebrations at work is to end the year on a positive note and show appreciation to the staff for their commitments and achievements all year long, These activities boost the morale of the employees.

Society Engagement

Blood Donation

Blood Donation Camps

The reason to donate blood is simple…it helps save lives Organization of the blood donation camp should be best and safe for the patient/recipients and for the blood donor.

Blood Donation

Distribution of Newborn Baby Kits

Contribution towards society.

Diversity Culture at INTEGRA

Diversity Culture at INTEGRA

We believe at INTEGRA, we are strongly believing in gender equality and so in 2022, there is a substantial rise in women’s employment. Also, the inclusion of minority employees and those who are physically challenged, has been strengthened. We are committed to creating a safe workplace where everyone is treated with compassion and respect. We conduct our business in an ethical manner where our workforce is appreciated and valued

A dedicated HR and management team ensures the effective implementation of policies. An internal complaints committee exists to deal with cases of sexual harassment at the workplace if any.

We acknowledge that this is not enough and have set gender diversity targets for 2025: To increase this ratio up to 10% in the Top Executive Positions.

  • 17%

    Women within the Organization Board

  • 2%

    Women in Top Executive Positions (Excluding Board of Directors)

  • 1%

    Minority in

  • 0.6%
